

Take it from the people who live here: San Francisco’s diverse neighborhoods are thriving, 邀请, 提升了城市的脉搏.


San Francisco is a place where you never step outside without an appetite, 冒险的感觉, 或者多一层. 这是一个地方, 就像托尼·班尼特唱的那样, where you'll leave your heart; but in exploring our city through the eyes, 的工作, 还有我们当地人的经历, 你也许会找到你的心, 太.

Take a closer look at some San Francisco neighborhoods and learn why each lays a claim to being the 城市的中心.








在湿地中, 船厂, 和仓库, strong artistic vibes 和社区 empowerment have flourished throughout San Francisco’s 海景区的.

通过设计,这些企业创造了团结,抚慰了灵魂. Restaurant Gumbo Social is owned and run by Dontaye Ball, who grew up in 海景区的. 他说:“我有一篇论文认为秋葵汤可以让人类走到一起。. “我们会照顾你的. We’re going to give you true San Francisco hospitality, the way it should be done.”

这种热情有时会来自你最意想不到的地方. “当你踏进那扇门,你就进入了梦境. 你永远不会知道你在墙上看到的东西存在于这里,特蕾莎·戈因斯说, Old Skool Cafe的创始人兼总裁, 一个年轻人经营的晚餐俱乐部. “Everything that you see that’s happening in the restaurant, the young people are executing.”

“This community has had a history of activation,” says Martin Luther McCoy, a local musician. “这是一种反叛精神在这里茁壮成长. 开拓精神一直是土壤的一部分. We have to start thinking outside the box to how we can be a power center as opposed to a pawn, 这样我们才能重建, 修复, 继续成长."





卡斯特罗家族有着悠久的”+激进主义历史. 骄傲继续随处可见, from rainbow flags flying atop buildings to the rainbow crosswalks on 卡斯特罗 Street.

Josh Decolongon, 他是卡斯特罗的居民,也是公认的美食和葡萄酒爱好者, 称卡斯特罗“代表着过去”, 酷儿文化和酷儿历史的现在和未来. Everybody that I see visiting finds something that they really connect to, no matter who they are.”

“我最喜欢卡斯特罗的地方是社区,Terry Asten Bennett说, Cliff 's Variety的合伙人, 自1936年以来一直是社区的主食. “你走在街上,每个人都知道你的名字. 你关心你的邻居贝博体彩app. 你是重要的.”

“这个社区一直都很接受,比尔·庞说, 谁和他的搭档买下了孤儿安迪餐厅, 丹尼斯Zieball, in 1977. “It’s just a comfortable feeling to come to a location where everybody's welcomed and accepted."





顺丰的唐人街是北美第一个也是最大的唐人街, 悬挂的红灯笼一眼就能认出来, 不同的建筑, 和华丽的龙门. 但在贝博体彩app这个著名的角落里,还有更深层次的东西.

"There's a real sense of nostalgia” says Cynthia Huie, co-owner of neighborhood shop On Waverly. “The life that's been here for so long—seven generations now—feels very present whenever you come into 唐人街."

“唐人街是关于创造唐人街的人,史蒂文·李说, 谁是传奇的山姆沃俱乐部的老板. “他们帮助建设了美国.” One of 唐人街’s oldest restaurants, Sam Wo is still serving the same recipes from 100 years ago. 它为社区提供的连续性不容小觑.‘


“There’s something really special when you walk into a space that is centered around your experience. 感觉自己的某一层不需要解释.”




贝博体彩app的日本城是美国仅存的三个日本城之一.S.,也是最大的. 日本城的中央是日本中心购物中心, which celebrates traditional and modern culture and cuisine through dozens of shops 和餐馆.

其他历史悠久的企业包括索科五金(Soko Hardware), 1925年由现任老板Phil Ashizawa的祖父母创立, who were forced to move to the Topaz Relocation Camp in Utah during World War II. When they returned, they reopened the store to help serve other 日本 Americans. 今天, the store is still a mix of authentic wares that visitors come to 结合 seeking, 以及居民的家庭必需品.

正雄Kuribara, Hinodeya拉面的老板, is restaurant royalty in his native Japan; but when it came to making it big in America, 他知道只有一个地方可以去. “贝博体彩app是一座创新之城. So, I 太k up the challenge and I opened the first dashi ramen restaurant in the United States."

Hinodeya’s light and flavorful broth is often imitated, but never duplicated. As with the best dining experiences, Hinodeya is about so much more than food. “Food is not only food; food is the culture,” says Kuribara. “我们都是为了分享日本美食的美丽和魅力.”

同时,Pa'ina餐厅 & 休息室, 夏威夷-波利尼西亚的食物和饮料, 给社区带来了更多的多样性. 餐厅有一个齐全的酒吧和私人和公共卡拉ok室. It attracts a younger generation as one of the few nightlife spots in 结合.

店主杰里米·钟(Jeremy Jong)说:“我们试图把阿罗哈带到社区。. “我真的很自豪能在我成长的城市有自己的生意, 我对这里的未来充满期待.”




任务 District has historically been a center for San Francisco’s Latino community, 这里的墨西哥卷饼依然充满活力, 街头壁画, 时髦的酒吧, 还有精品店.

“只要你一踏上米逊街, 能量聚集起来, 音乐变了,Nabeel Silmi说, 格兰德咖啡的老板. “这是萨尔萨音乐. 这是雷击. You can smell the carne asada coming from the taquerias, the pupusa vendors on the sidewalk.”

The murals found throughout the Mission are a distinctive feature of the neighborhood and serve as an open-air museum created by and for the community. “We’re always on top of any business or building that has a mural on it—or any other kind of artwork that has been done by the community—to preserve it,苏珊·塞万提斯说, Precita Eyes壁画家的创始人兼总监.

On Valencia Street, Puerto Alegre reflects the neighborhood’s enduring spirit. It’s been around for more than 50 years, founded by a family of Mexican immigrants. 尽管教会区发生了一些变化, “拉美裔继续在这里茁壮成长,安帕罗·维吉尔说, 阿雷格里港背后的家族成员之一. “You will always have a Carnaval; you will always have Puerto Alegre—as long as we can hold out. 你们将永远有很棒的人和家庭在一起工作.”




You won’t find any sand or sea in 北海滩 anymore; but this is where the city began for those coming to San Francisco during the Gold Rush, 希望找到他们的财富. Over the years, it became a hub for nightlife, beatniks, and 意大利 culture.

“北海滩 is very special,” says Lidia Valledor, manager of Cafe Zoetrope. The cafe and wine bar sit inside the iconic copper-green Sentinel building, 电影导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉的制作公司也在这里. Coppola bought the building in the 1970s and wrote most of the screenplay for 《贝博体彩》 在街尾的里雅斯特咖啡馆.

“I think Caffe Trieste is the single most important business in San Francisco,当地艺术家杰里米·菲什说. 这是西海岸最古老的浓缩咖啡吧. 它仍然属于同一个家族. You could be sitting in Caffe Trieste and have no idea if it's 1950 or 1980 or 2010. 它有一种永恒的特质.”

北滩“人口密度太大了”, Nadia Giusti说, 他们家在附近开了一家很受欢迎的夜间佛罗伦萨餐厅. “那里有美丽的公园, 那里有美丽的教堂, 那里有很棒的餐厅, 那里有很棒的商店, 酒吧, 常规的酒吧, 潜水酒吧——有很多值得一看的地方!”




科技巨头, 创业公司, 豪华公寓, 和莫斯康中心都共用索马的街道, 哪里的主要货币是创新. 企业的表象背后, SoMa拥有许多艺术画廊和博物馆, 菲律宾文化遗产区, 和餐馆, 酒吧, 以及拥有令人羡慕的海滨景观的开放空间.

Red 's Java House就是其中一家海滨餐厅, 它曾在20世纪30年代为水手服务,并一直保持不变, 即使它周围的社区已经成长和变化. “红魔最好的地方,店主、贝博体彩app本地人蒂凡尼·皮索尼说, 就是每个人都感到受欢迎, 每个人都觉得这是他们的地盘.”

来点更现代的东西, 参观贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆, 密西西比河以西最大的当代博物馆. 七层楼的油画, 摄影, 生活墙, and sculptures are immersive and reflective of San Francisco’s history as a center for artistic experimentation.

“城市和摄影差不多是同一时代的,艾琳·奥图尔说, 贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆策展人兼摄影主管. “There's been this openness to new technologies here in the Bay Area since very early on. Part of that comes from the fact that there weren’t things to let go of, to abandon. 一切都是新的.”

SoMa也有很强的菲律宾历史. “菲律宾人在贝博体彩app的故事, 特别是, soma是一个关于韧性的故事, 足智多谋, 和社区,迪安娜·西森说, 梅斯蒂萨餐厅的老板. When the City of San Francisco officially recognized SoMa Pilipinas as SF’s Filipino Cultural Heritage District in 2016, the designation honored the journey for those early Filipino residents and “galvanized so many people around the idea of having a home.结果是, 对艺术家的支持, 企业, 教育项目创造了一种联系感. “拥有这样的社区真的很暖心,西森说。, 它只会越来越强.”

就像每个大城市一样, San Francisco is not without its challenges or critics; but after earthquakes, 大流行, 还有关于“厄运循环”的指控,“这座城市在这一切中幸存下来并蓬勃发展. It has evolved by choice and necessity, with its past, present, and future all coexisting in harmony. 这种并置保证了贝博体彩app总是新鲜的, 令人惊讶的, and delightful to both lifelong locals and visitors who have embraced the city as their own; and it’s proof that the heart of the city beats on.
